Maria Kozhevnikov’s research focuses on examining neural mechanisms of visual imagery as well as in exploring the ways to train visualization abilities. In particular, she examines how individual differences in visualization ability affect more complex activities, such as spatial navigation, learning and problem solving in mathematics, science and art. In addition, she explores ways to train mental imagery skills and design three-dimensional immersive virtual environments that can accommodate individual differences and learning styles.
Maria received her PhD from Technion (Israel) jointly with UC Santa Barbara. Since 2001, she held faculty positions at Rutgers and George Mason Universities. Maria’s current primary appointment is as an Associate Professor of Psychology at the National University of Singapore. She also holds positions as Visiting Associate Professor of Radiology at Harvard Medical School, Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging and as Associate in Neuroscience at Massachusetts General Hospital.
Maria’s lab is involved in three inter-related lines of research:
- Neurocognitive mechanisms of individual differences in visual-spatial imagery and cognitive styles;
- Neurocognitive bases of visual processing in more realistic 3D immersive digital realities;
- Neural correlates of creativity and enhanced cognitive states.
- To read more about each project, please visit: http://mariakozhevnikov.com/index.html
Harvard Medical School Department of Radiology
Martinos Center for Biomedical Imaging
149 Thirteenth Street,
Suite 2301, Charlestown,
Massachusetts 02129
Fax: 617 726-7422
National University of Singapore Department of Psychology
Faculty of Arts & Social Sciences
Block AS4, Level 2, 9 Arts Link
Singapore 117570
Tel: ++65 6601 1190
Fax: ++65 6773 1843